Friday, July 29, 2011

Fab Five Friday

This is where I list the top five things uppermost on my mind, and this week, I'm still obsessed with friends. Oprah says there are five types of friends every woman should have, though I think you'd be blessed to have just one of these.
They are:

1. The Uplifter - If you're quitting your six-figure job to sail around the world in a kayak with no sunscreen on, she'll be the first to yell, "Go for it!"

2. The Travel Buddy - You can't travel with everyone; it has to be someone flexible and agreeable, just in case you want to start the day doing Patron shooters without the lime.

3. The Truth Teller - This is the gal who will tell you -- without jealousy or malice -- "Your weave needs tightening, love."

4.The Fun Maker - She is spontaneous, has a zest for life, and you might just catch her at the mall shopping in her PJ's.

5. The Random - This woman (or man!) isn't like any of your other friends. They are half your age, poorer than you (or richer!), and not of your same ethnicity. She will help you grow as a person.

In your circle of friends, which one are you?

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