Friday, October 22, 2010


Adventure Salon is holding a contest to reward one of its loyal readers with a $25 Amazon Gift Card, and it's easy to win! So simple, a cat could do it.

There are two, count them TWO ways to win. All you have to do is leave a comment on any post you choose here at Adventure Salon. The more you comment, the higher your chances of winning. You could be Christmas shopping at before you know it!

But wait . . . there's more!

If you become one of my followers on Twitter, @MsALWalker, your name will be entered yet again. Just leave a comment on Adventure Salon letting me know you are now a follower, and you'll have two entries, and therefore, two more chances to win! If you already follow me on Twitter, your work here is almost done; just let me know that in a comment on the blog.

To show my camaraderie with my readers, I had a contest with myself to see just how many times I could use the word "comment" in the Comment Contest post . . . AND I WON with just eleven entries.
You, too, can be a winner just that easily!

I know you're out there; my stat counter tells me that, even though my list of subscribers/followers is woefully inaccurate. I thought about getting rid of it, but I like looking at your lovely faces.

The winner of the Comment Contest will be chosen by and announced on Monday, November 22, 2010, so you'll have one full month from today to leave more comments and increase your chances of winning.

Any questions or comments?


Kay said...

Of course I follow you on Twitter and I follow your blog. I'd follow you to the grocery store if you lived nearby :-)

MsALWalker said...

Ahhhh.....That;s two entries for you already. Good Luck!

Jenny said...

I'm following you on twitter! I'm @thejennypincher

Cathy C. Hall said...

I love contests! (Comment 1) And I follow you on Twitter. (Comment 2)
And why doncha put one of those Twitter "Follow Me" buttons on your blog? (Comment 3)

Um, is that what you meant? :-)

Cathy C. Hall said...

Oh! Hold on, I forgot a comment.

I love WINNING contests!

(And if you visit over my blog, maybe you'll win something fun ;-)


Margo Dill said...

Great contest! I can't wait to do my Christmas shopping on Amazon! I'm going to need it--I'll have a little baby by then. :)


Gayle said...

I was going to say "pick me, pick me!" until I saw that Margo is having a baby. Now I feel conflicted and want her to win...but I want to win too. Hmmm. Pick Margo or me! :)

MsALWalker said...

Thanks for stopping by, Jenny!

Cathy, I tried to get that button, but couldn't get it to work. I've since updated to a newer design, so maybe I can add it now. We'll see. In the meantime, I'm heading over to to see what I can win!

Hi Margo! If you approve of my contest, then my work here is done. :-)

Gayle, you still may win, because the winner is chosen at random, but how generous of you to want Margo to win. Good luck to both of you!

injaynesworld said...

I follow you on Twitter:

and I follow your blog and have enjoyed your comments on mine, too.

I love a contest and have a zillion -- well, maybe 5 -- books on my wish list at Amazon. This couldn't come at a better time. Thanks. :)

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Sorry I'm late to the party - just got back from a conference and I'm trying to catch up. But, boy, I love a good contest - count me in! :)