If you haven't heard about the novel 32 Candles yet, don't worry; you can see it in the theaters as the movie rights have already been sold.
32 Candles is Ernessa T. Carter's take-off on the movie Sixteen Candles, only the main character is African-American, and it's sixteen years later that the main character seeks her Molly Ringwald ending. I came to this book via Twitter that was hot with buzz about Ms. Carter's book. The author held a contest where if you leave a review on Amazon, she'll send you a T-shirt. I did! I sent her my address via Email and she dashed my prize off pronto. The T-shirt has the cover of her book on it, and has become part of my daily wear. I wear it to the grocery store, the gym, the movies, and church. (Ok, kidding about the church. Settle down.)
Also in the Email, I inquired of her whether she had any inclination to attend any book clubs. She said yes, I invited her, she came. It was the largest attended meeting in Book-a-Licious Book Club history. Almost every member brought a guest, which is not only allowed, but encouraged! Thirty people (including two other authors) were privileged to discuss with Ernessa her writing journey and her not-so-circuitous route to publication. She was open with us, and amenable to autographing copies of 32 Candles, and generous to boot, as she brought swag with her!