Variety is the spice of life, and love makes the world go round. That's why I love exploring the diverse cultures that are abundant in this world.
Take Barcelona, for instance, Number 76 on my Bucket List. We visited The Catalans with our favorite travel partners, the Diva and the Doc.
We stayed at the Grand Havana Hotel, and explored the city on our own; no guided tour for us brave souls! We started with the Plaza de Catalunya, a boulevard that is the city centre of activity with a variety of shops, stalls, performance artists, museums, eateries, the works. We stopped in Bilbao Berria, one of the many restaurants that serve only Tapas. Tapas are little meals served on tiny toasts. In America, we call them appetizers, but in Spain, they make a meal of them. FYI, there's no such thing as cocktails. Mixed drinks are for you foo-foo Americanas. It's either hard liquor or beer in Barcelona, and if you order scotch, they'll bring you whiskey. Scotch is for sissies. You have been warned.
I wish someone had warned us about the Salvador Dali Museum. That man was obsessed with vaginas. Every painting, every sculpture, every drawing had the shape of a vagina lurking somewhere in it. See me point to one of his paintings in pic above.
Spain is not uptight about sexuality, I must say. We ventured out to a nightclub one night where nearly naked women and men danced on top of the bar, and then served your drinks. It was the highlight of Sarge's trip.
The highlight of my trip was Salamanca, a restaurant right on the beach. The seafood paella es mui fantastico! It's like a seafood jumbalaya. We even had the pleasure of having the Diva serve us. Now, that's variety for you.
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